Movil 972- 52- 6206125
Argentina-born artist, residing in different countries until now reside in Israel, operating in the area of visual art, literature and film, with intervals dedicated to teaching and health for human development since 1984.
Collaborate in the literature for the Asociacion Latinoamericana de Artistas Plasticos, writes essays “Art Madness” (USA), short stories young Argentine Society of Writers, contribute notes to the newspapers Clarin (Arg.), ABC,Noticias,Nacion (Py) item on Art Health.
Advice and dissemination of Culture in different Argentine Provinces, Advisor of the Culture Foundation created the Ministry Finance, National Secretary of Education and Culture Jury-man (Argentina), Sponsored by the National Endowment for the Arts in Argentina item International Representation conference/lectures International Art-Madness theme for different Universities and Medical Institutions, laboratories and research centers and Biocientific Development, the international Representative for the Federal Council of Investments; Vice President C.U.De.L.A.; founded in South America the House Art in the Farmer to the support of people with senso-mental-motor diseases and their families, written numerous publications in international newspapers and magazines use theme Art in daily life, health for human development and quality of life.
Has promoted in South America, Central America and Europe culture activities in drawing, painting, sculpture, videos, film, photographie. Dedicated her life to train and pass on the various aspects which are useful art in all disciplines.
Are countless solo and groups exhibitions that presented in the U.S., Sweden, Norway, Spain, Chile, Paraguay, Bolivia, Puerto Rico, Italy, Brazil, India, Mexico, Israel, Argentina. Each of its exhibitions are the result of living experience in the art and research in art.
Public and Private Collections with her works among which mention may be Scarletti Family (Italy) , Family Addarso Collectors (Sweden); Ferbert ,Schorbat, Horvarth Families (Paraguay), Dr.Vicenzo Lara (France), Dr. Lugo (Py), Philow Family (Germany), Collection Rabinovitch (U.S), Collector Lansberg (Israel),Ratti Collection Italy-Py; National Museums Argentina,Paraguay,Sweden; Departmen Museum Argentina, Nunciatura Apostolica in Paraguay, India; Naval Center Arg, among others.